20-aastane noor lõpetas keskkooli ning soovis õppida raamatupidamist. Asus valitud erialal õppima, kuid katkestas õpingud, kuna ei meeldinud raamatupidamise eriala põllumajanduslik suund. Oli mitu kuud mitte aktiivne ning seejärel kutsus tuttav vabatahtlikuks Lastefondi. Paar kuud panustas vabatahtlikuna kaubanduskeskustes annetusi kogudes.
Noorte Tugila noorsootöötaja kohtus temaga mobiilset noorsootööd tehes. Noorsootöötaja rääkis Noorte Tugila võimalustest ning kutsus noortekeskusesse.
Noor tuli koos sõbrannadega noortekeskusesse ning suhtles Noorte Tugila töötajaga. Tüdruk osales mitmel korral noortekeskuse üritustel. Noor soovis õppima minna, oli mõelnud, et selleks kolib teise linna. Tugila töötajaga koos kaaluti erinevaid võimalusi ning selgus, et peagi toimub uus vastuvõtt koolis kuhu noor soovis minna. Noorsootöötaja aitas koostada CV-d ja motivatsioonikirja. Samuti aitas koostööpartner Rajaleidja. Rajaleidja karjäärinõustaja jagas teadmisi sisseastumisvestluseks. Noor käis vestlusel ning sai kooli sisse. Kolis teise linna ning jätkab õpinguid. Suvel sai kogemuse välismaal raamatuid müües. Noore arvates sai ta julgust ning tundis, et sai mitmest hirmust üle ning on tänulik toetuse eest.
A 20-year-old young woman graduated from high school and wanted to study accounting. She began her studies in the chosen field, but terminated the studies because she did not like the agricultural area of the accounting specialty. She was not active for several months, until a friend invited her to become a volunteer at the Children’s Fund. For a couple of months she volunteered there, collecting donations at shopping malls.
A youth work specialist from Youth Prop Up met her while carrying out mobile youth work. The youth worker talked about the possibilities of Youth Prop Up and invited her to visit the Youth Centre. The young woman came to the Youth Centre with friends and talked with the Youth Prop Up youth worker. The girl came to several events at the Youth Centre. She wanted to study and thought about moving to another town for that. Together with the Prop Up youth worker, they considered different options and it turned out that a new admission would soon take place at the school she wished to go to. The youth worker helped to draw up a CV and motivation letter. The co-operation partner, Rajaleidja, helped as well. The career advisor at Rajaleidja advised about the admission interview. The young woman took the interview and got in. She moved to another town and continues her studies there. During the summer, she got some good experience selling books abroad. In her opinion, she achieved all that with the help and encouragement she was given and she is very grateful for the support.